tomolo is fri wor!!!! and it is a very very nice day!! hahas.. cos me and hubby going 6th months le wor!! everything seems like so fast =) althought is not like celebrate 1 year but as long as everyday and every moments im happy with hubby can le =D
another happy thing!! okay.. those who came to my hse before will noe that my house come is at my brother's room.. and is so fa man if i wan to use com in the mid night.. and he most probably dun allow.. but now i dun have to do that!!! cos now im use com in my OWN ROOM!! omg.. =D
although is not a brand new com.. but im already so happy got com in my room.. hahahas.. dun have to fight with my bro anymore.. whahahahaa.. lol.. =D
okay. today is the day i started my boring life. jus hope that everything went on smoothly.. jus suddenly feel that actually that time my attachment is not that bad.. lol.. which i used to curse and swear at that place.. =X
im gonna save up and do all the things i like wor.. =D and there are so many things i wan buy wor.. lalalas.. and really wan to go oversea for once. even is nearby im okie wor.. lalalas..
take carez ppl. =D
as usual. these few days have been slacking at home.. watching vcd. lol. enjoyed this kind of life. always been so free and can do whatever things i like. is only $$ is another issue. how i wish i can dun work and continue this kind of life but must have $$ lar.. and it is
okay. the illness of my phone jus got even more and more serious. and it will be like fy's phone soon. i hope not. it started to turn black out. even the phone is on. jus pls pls. let the phone tahan longer. when im ready to get a new phone. piggy at ang mo kio after we have settle our morning things. reach angmokio and started to decided wad shld we eat. and tink! PIZZA HUT!! something which we wan to eat for so long yet we have no chance to do so.. lalalas.. so my impression wad i remembered that pizza hut was locate somewhere somehow at angmokio central.. but i jus cant seems to find it.. and after walking for quite sometime. we finally found it. lol.. we are the first customer lor.. hahas.. the our pizza hut seems so empty. -_-" and we finally eaten pizza hut =D
tata.. thinking of wad to do later on. watch movie? but now can really say that there are not much movie worth watching. and we finally made our choice. SHUTTER. (actually i wan to put the image of shutter at the post de. but i jus feel that is it too scary. lol)
it was scary okay. especially i din watch the thai version. but hear from baby that the both show was very similar.
before we went for the movie we had damn lots of fun at the acrade! =D but this time round is not that diao dang de machine le.. is silent hill =X i was like shooting the monsters like crazy till my hand got those water bubbles?? lol.. but it was FUN =D then throwing basketball till my hand so suan.. hahahs.. have a fun day =D
LOL. i hate my dumb dumb stupid phone. keep on shutting down for nothing! ARGG..
Gonna save up and get a new phone =X
turn on ur speakers and listen to this music!! =) it is not those fantastic music with fantastic singers.. but it jus help to calm ur mind and listen to it.. =) ~~~~~~ but somewhere somehow. i think this is quite a emo song.. x.X
btw, why is street directory not working!!! arg.. so sian.. wan to find how to get to a place but it is not working!! lol..
new blogskin!! and thats wad i do when im at home. im so bored. LOL
surprisingly. i haven eat anything or drink and water since morning. but im not hungry at all. -_-"
damn sian!! i cant find my handphone cable!! argg!! dunno where i left it.. then cant upload the pics.. sian..
sian.. lol.. got back home at around 3 plus.. then search for my cable.. lalalalas.. actually ytd wan to upload the pics le.. but my dumb dumb bro dun let me use the com.. he very wad de the lor.. never use com also dun let me use.. sian..
spoil my mood only.. but ytd still very happy.. cos went out with piggy ma.. whahahaas... actually is plan to go for interview.. so after that go out lor.. hahahs.. so we meet after the interview.. at around 2 plus.. actually wan to go watch movie de.. but piggy got a call say he got job for tomolo but need to collect something at tanjong pagar.. so acc him go down but we buy a 7 plus movie tix first.. the Spiderwick Chronicles !! whahahahass..
then we headed tanjong pagar.. then i was thinking must well go and collect my cheque since im already at that area.. but then the person say wan tomolo have lunch.. lol.. regarding the cheque.. actually wan to collect on mon morning when on sun he say need to ask the boss first.. so we confirm the next day morning.. but end up he say can only collect at monday 5pm.. lol.. so me and jonna must well make it on tues morning.. but then when today we went to take the cheque. it was dated 280308!!! it was a fri okay!! then was is all those craps on sun that he need to ask the boss bla bla bla.. and also dun allow us to take the cheque on mon when it was been written last week? lol..whatever it is.. jus wan to say that in this world there will be this kind of ppl.. jus wan to protect their interest and dun care about anything. spoil my day again. and the lunch session was jus purely testing our patient. some ppl still can ask ni you shen me gan xiang? -__-"
anyway it is not a GREAT GREAT job that without it will die or wad.. so whatever it is u guys jus stick to that job for life. lol..
i sound so angry but im not. wahahahaha.. jus dun wan to care about these ppl.
continued my date.. hahahs.. after that we head back town.. not hungry but mouth itchy.. hahhas.. so we went to hongkong cafe and eat dessert.. end up we order quite a number of things.. i will upload those photos once i found my cable.. lol.. but the food we order all taste weird weird de.. lol.. not as nice as we eat at other outlets.. hahahs..
and we hang around cine and went for our movie!! it was a nice movie and i gets gan jiong at those exciting parts.. hahahs.. beside in front of us there are 3 china ppl keep toking and toking.. -__-""

its worth watching!! =D