Tuesday, November 27, 2007
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! yeah.. finally 19!! ive a such a wonderful birthday!! hao kai xin wor!! thanks for all the presents and celebrations!!!!
so happening today wor... reach sch at 9 then went out for klunch.. after tat went to find fy as she wan to pass present to me.. when i return to block m, jonna told me that ms wan to see me at the back.. but i only expect that is a class celebrate from them.. but i saw my hubby!!!!! omg!! he came from sp to find me la!!! so happy happy!!! thanks hubby!! u r so sweet!! =D
ps: fy and jonna gang up with hubby to give me this surprise. =D
then after that went to eat dinner with class ppl and hubby..
sorry im too tired. will post more if i have the time.. but i really have a very great birthday this year!! special thanks to hubby, jonna, fengyi DD0502 and many more!!!!!! love ya!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
jus got back home at around 6 plus.. jus hung up the phone with hubby.. think he's really very tired le.. he is going soccer later on lor.. haiz.. is like abit my fault lor.. cos we all finish at 1.. then i like dun wan to go home.. so we actually decided wan to go supper.. then cause him cant go back and rest first.. sorry.. x.X.. hmmm.. actually there are 5 of us going de.. hubby fengyi kai and ken.. but the stupid cab came at 4.30 la.. then kai working 9 am in the morning.. so he went home first... so the 4 of us tok crap and eat at geylang.. hahas.. funny place.. lol.. the headed home.
hubby, love you wor.. dun wan you to make urself so tired also.. =D
Sunday, November 18, 2007
hubby i love you!!!! special day!!!!!
Friday, November 16, 2007
hmmm.. so long nv blog liao.. dunno wad happen.. like one month ago im such a frequent blogger.. now..zz.. dunno la.. hmmm.. my attachment left only one week and im so bloody happy la.. finally 3 months of attachment is coming to an end. not like fy already finish one week liao la.. but abit scare of returning back to sch.. like will be a bit weird? dunno la.. hope everything will be alright =) this is the second week that i put whole week constraints for cathay. for the past one year plus i didnt put constraint whole week only for once. and this is the second time. jus suddenly wan to rest. not overworked. jus that as weeks goes by feel that im getting weaker and weaker.. but the weird thing is i have been eating damn alot. can eat 3 meals within 6 hours. after a meal, i will say im very very full.. but after that im hungry again.. zzz.. jus went IMM with hubby.. hahas.. always thought that i dun have a chance to go west side de shopping mall to shop cos is like 2 ends.. hahas.. when we are deciding where to eat, saw ramli and serene. okay. ramli was my cathay working colleague and serene was my primary schoolmates lor.. haha.. at first was quite surprise. hmmm.. dunno la.. the world is jus simply too small. when you think that u and this person might be bu ke nen. but things jus can be ke nen de. =) jus like mi and him* after that had fish and co for our dinner.. soOOOOo full.. wan to drink finish the sharkie freeze but he dun let me drink.. zzz.. hmmm.. then went to his old house and take a look.. kong kong de.. hahas.. everything also dun have liao.. hahas.. then decide to go west mall to watch movie. jus realise that i did go to west mall with xiaoyou before but jus cant remember..zzz.. stm. lol.. but end up never watch movie wor.. nothing nice to watch.. lalalas.. hmmmm...hmmmm.. the day is coming =D
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
my hubby sick wor!! hmmm.. wan him to take care of himself wor!! hope he recover soon. love you!! =D
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
wad im i doing early in the morning at 7.38am when i have attachment later on? dunno la.. recently got a bit fan at the attachment there and hope it really end soon!
okay. ytd was very sian. after work dunno go where. wan to find someone to eat dinner with me also dunno find who.. dad and mum both worked till quite late. but up i jio fy to eat dinner with me and we eat damn alot.. hahas.. the photo is with fy =x
piggy seems very tired ytd. so i faster ask him go and get some rest. hope u rest well ytd night =) will wake u up later for school de.. love you!
Sunday, November 04, 2007

mi and him at pepperlunch! =D
well.. i dunno wad has got over me.. keep talking rubbishes. everyday keep FQ ing.. hahas.. piggy understand wads that wor.. got sense that my body gonna breakdown soon.. but jus dunno why keep pushing myself for work.. hmmm.. the roster for next week is not out yet.. but most probably will be working 4 days attachment as there's PH this week then 4 days cathay ba.. i dunno la.. jus work lor..
hmmmm.. sorry abt last night. shall not comment further. jus that when i started work last night, got abit fa shen jing liao.. i also dunno what has gotten over me.. weird weird de.. moody moody.. but till late night then got abit better liao.. but still fa shen jing la.. hahahs..
replies to tag.
devil* okay, as i promised on 21 september to bring u donuts!!! wait for me at sch.. i will be back soon!!! hahas.. 3 weeks more.. must miss me hor!! =X
jonna* u must believe that i NV complain to him wor.. hahas.. he wan to sabo me nia.. hahs.. =X
mr piggy* u piggy la.. wan to sabo me nia.. noti boy!!!!!! i love you
this song is soOOo nice that piggy keep listening to it last night!=D
Saturday, November 03, 2007
recently abit tired of working. like going to fall sick but like not going leh.. weird la.. got one day on the way to attachment. then on the bus feel like fainting. nv experience that before. quite scared. like im going to leave this world anytime. i dunno.. talking rubbishes.
jus now while working. was feeling quite shag. jus very suddenly. dunno why again. took 2 panadol from him* he say like eat sweet lor.. haha.. then after awhile got abit better. thanks!!
okay. ytd went to buy donuts with him.. not donut factory.. but also very nice =D love apple donut!!

like got one missing donut!!!! must be piggy eat de!!! hmph. hahas.. (actually is i too hungry cant wait to take photo then i eat liao =X)
THANKS FOR EVERYONE SO CONCERN ABT MY THING. refer to him*'s blog for answer.