Monday, October 29, 2007

noti boy and noti gal. =D
piggy put the same photo at his blog also.. but bad wor.. put him so handsome put me so bimbo de.. lol.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
jus finish my dinner and now toking on the phone with him*. hmmm.. he sound sick but he dun wan to go rest wor!! piggy wor.. haiz.. tml still got attachment. boring wor.. really feel like taking MC and dun go.. haha.. but i noe cant la.. one more month to go!! yes! next week going to sing k liao..piggy take care wor!!
p/s: thanks for so many ppl are so concern abt me. =D
Friday, October 26, 2007
guess wad. i jus called mac for delivery. cos im damn hungry. hahahs.. still dun feel like sleeping although jus now i fall asleep in the car. lol.
jus wan to say something. piggy u are been missed =D
Thursday, October 25, 2007
woo.. now im at siti's house with jonna and nichelle in the room. lol.. came to siti house to celebrate hari raya? haha.. that was like one week plus ago de thing le.. hahas..
recently didnt really have time to blog. if not is kor dun let me use com.. k. go play isketch with them le..
Sunday, October 21, 2007
okay.. my previous blog is all i type at office then reach home cut and paste.. really find no time to blog and use com.. finally!! today is my off day liao!! =) after 13 or 14 days of working? finally can enjoy my off day. =) hmmm.. and can upload photos le.
me and him* at sakae =)

him* at ikea! =D

my new planner =)

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Sorry ppl. Im too busy until I dun even have time to rest. These few days been sleeping little hrs. but still can make it in time for the past 11 working days! Wooh.. is so not like me la.. lol..
Okay.. my last post was like dunno how long ago. Got lot of things to update =D
Hmmm.. starting from fri? work from 9 to 6.15 for attachment then went over to cathay immediately? I also dunno I rush for wad.. okay. Reach there at 7 and I start at 7. lol.. actually start at 8 then can meet piggy for dinner. But not enough time so I started work first. So me and fy work from 7 to 3.30 then she went back home and faint. Cos she’s working 10am the next day morning. Superwoman.. haha.. tok to someone special =) before I went to slp.
When I wake up is already next day 2 plus noon liao. Was a bit shock cos I didn’t set alarm then dunno will sleep until wad time. Hmmm.. then receive msg from turtle say wan to meet for dinner before go work. But they meeting at 5 then I start at 6. so ya.. is abit late. But piggy meet me abit earlier. So we meet at 4.30 and we went to ps and eat. Everytime we took quite sometime to decide wad to eat de.. haha.. end up we went to eat yoshinoya. Saw Sophia over there.. so qiao. =) then turtle and raina came over and join us. Stupid turtle de leh.. say wan to meet for dinner end up only me and raina eat. Cos both piggy and turtle eat at home liao. Turtle say he was at his rm then he send msg say to meet. Then he open door realize that his mum got cook, so he eat at home. Zzzz.. then still wan to meet for DINNER? Hahas.. so weird de la. Then acc raina to go and eat mos and we rush to cathay.. cos going to late liao. Me and raina at 6 turtle at 7 then piggy at 9. then 2 of them so relax la.. hahas.. but me and raina punch in at 18:00. jus nice =)
When we reach there saw fy. She’s super shag liao.. haha. Always so mian qiang herself to work so much de.. her voice got get a bit worse. Haiz.. darling take care arh.. then I confiscate her oreo choco. Haha.. dun let her eat. When she recover then return to her. Lol..
Not really an busy day and again finish work at 3.30.fy faint at the pink sofa at level 6. hahas.. think she’s superb tired. this time is I have to went home and faint le. Cos im working 11am then next day. Think me and fy really getting crazy liao. Hahahas.. I still got tok on phone with someone special before I sleep. But tis time I tok till half way I fall asleep. Sleep at around 7 and have to wake up at 9. but got someone called me wake up =D
Piggy is move hse le!!! Haha.. not staying at jurong liao. One day go his new hse and see see.. hahas.. Lol. He also going to faint liao la.. working closing the day before he move hse. Didn’t really sleep a lot on the day.
Sunday morning. Superb tired. Feel like mia. But I wun. Lol.. ppl who noe me that will noe that I wun mia de.. hahahs… reach work at 10:57. not late!! Hahas.. my shift was 11 to 8. woo.. 9 hrs. but end up I finish work at 10. lol.. 11 hrs. tired!! But didn’t really open counter cos helping hui hui to do somethings. but still got met a weird weird customer. I think mark noe which customer im referring to.. hahas.. btw. To mark: why u wan to call me TSY or TXY? Call xu3yiNg not nice meh? Haha.. Lol.. Hmmm.. staff meal was seafood platter!! Yum yum. Ate it at around 1 plus. And didn’t eat anything after tat. So 10 pm wad superb hungry. Went to eat bk with mark and hui hui. After that took train back to hougang and meet fy. Cos fy’s sorethroat got a bit worsen. So Andrew brought some candy that is good for sorethroat then ask me to pass it to fy. I reach hougang at around 11.30 then pass the candy to fy then went back home.
Okay. From 11 to 8, while working, my phone got constantly ringing. But after 8, there’s a auto shut down. Then my phone stop ringin. So weird la.. but I also dunno wads wrong. Msg ppl but no one reply. Sad.
Slept at 12 plus.
Wake up at 7 plus. Phone still got no reaction. Superb weird. Msg someone at 12 plus noon. Never replied again. Even weirer.( got such word?) then I tried msg myself. Lame. But I cant receive anything!! So I switch off and on my phone. And I try again then I manage to receive 1 msg. Stupid phone. Hmmm.. then called ppl to help me test my phone. Like send and receive msg. See whether my phone really came back to normal or not. Heng it came back to normal. Finally receive msg from someone at 5 plus and I feel everything came back to normal. =D
Meet my darling fy at suntec. Cos suddenly have an urge to buy Royce chocolate! =) another weird thing happen when im at suntec. I went over there to withdraw money. I wanted to withdraw 100 bucks. Of course is 2 fifty dollars notes right? End up 10 ten dollars notes. I only got see before that there’s no ten dollar notes available, is it okay to withdaw fifty? But that atm machine was weird. Lol.
So I brought 2 boxes and my darling fy brought one and we went over to cathay. Brought myself a new shoe. Then went up to give someone choco. Hmmm.. we have our dinner at the new sushi restaurant that open at cathay basement. Quite nice. =) after our dinner went up to level 6 acc piggy do closing. Cos closing usher always so bored de.. then went home at around 12 plus. Still got last bus. But decide to take cab home. Hahas..
Tok on phone till 3 plus. Fainted again.
Wake up and went to work again. Haiz.. phone was normal. Nth wrong. Hmmm.. meet piggy at city hall. Cos he say he wan to go ikea and see desk. So acc him to go. Actually say wan to meet him at queenstown. Cos he went back home ma.. but end up he actually wan to come to paya lebar and find me. Piggy wor. From his house to paya lebar is like so far la.. end up I reach paya lebar earlier then he expect. but is a sweet thing to do. Got the thought is good enough le =)Cos got ppl fetch me from workplace to mrt station. So we meet at city hall. And took train to queenstown. The train is so packed. But piggy was bad. Say if I fall down he will act as he dunno me. Lol.. dunno is who always going fall down.. hahas.. -___-“
Wooh!! First time went to ikea!!! I so benben la.. still haven go there before lor.. Hahas.. have fun over there!! =D
Had our dinner over there. But I think we ordered a bit too much hor. Cant finish. Especially I think im the only one that is eating!! Cos piggy eat at home liao.. then he still order so much!! Boo.. after shopping at ikea. We went to take bus home. 147. sit until our butt hurt la.. haha.. 1 hour bus journey. Had fun during the journey =D. Piggy really piggy. He take bus together with me to hougang leh. That is like so far for him la. End up he took cab home. -__-“
Reach home settle down already and my phone dun have any respond again and it weird. But this time is piggy’s phone lag. Not mine. Heex.
Again. I fainted. Hahas.. long time never like get myself prepare to sleep. Is all fainted. Hahas..
To my darling fy: take care arh! Sorethroat still give me eat chocolate and nasi lemak with crispy chicken. so omg de lor. Hahas..
To jonna: when are we going to go sing k? and I jus ask him help me return money only.. hahas.. think u will understand wad I referring to de hor? =)
To hui hui: dun so stress ba.. everything gonna be alright de =)
To mark: call me xueying pls.. hahas.. if not im gonna find another name better than jasmine( jesmond ) -__-“ for u. hahas.. lol.
These few days at work is so sian. Lucky got piggy acc me =D thanks piggy. Although he say he dun wan to be a piggy =X
Suddenly got an urge to eat kfc!! Weird. Hahas..
Saturday, October 13, 2007
okay. im going for work liao. these few day really got no time to blog. getting so busy. =X act busy nia.. lol.. hmmm... ytd. another 18 hours of work. after work, im like zombie like that. cos the day before din really sleep alot. then after work i din go home la. siji ask me for then came home at around 5 plus. tok with mr piggy and i fall asleep. hahas.. when i realise 6 plus going 7 plus then hang up to really have a good sleep cos tomolo still working..
when i realise the time is already 2 plus liao.. zzzz.. still wan to wake up early to meet mr piggy and maybe turtle for dinner..
okay.. will be working 6 to 3 later and 11 to 8 on sun. think wun be possible to blog!!! and im running late liao.. bye ppl!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
finally i can use computer liao.. these 2 days got no chance to use! lol..
ever since mon, been out everyday after work again. and jus start to realise i need to work 13 days continuosly!!! omg. dunno will die or not.. hahah..
tue. went out with mr piggy to watch resident evil. quite a nice show. still scare will fall asleep inside la.. hahas..
wed. went running with fy. first time run 8 and half run non stop. abit forcing myself. but nvm.
thur. went to eat dinner with fy!! hmmm.. we went to cine to try the teppanyaki which we been eyeing for so long la. but can say is not that nice that we expected. not worth eating. haiz..
tml will be another long day. 18 hrs of work. -___-"
sorry is jus a brief post. no energy to write. haha.. next week wun work so much liao.
Monday, October 08, 2007
boo!.. piggy is so lazy.. ask ppl to refer to my blog.. lol.. hahahs..
omg.. i sleep for 16 hours ytd la.. sleep from ytd 3 plus to the next day morning.. hahahs.. quite amazing.. long time never sleep for so long liao.. cos last time if i work on fri, next day work 6.. confirm will sleep for fri midnight to next day noon de.. but since my attachment starts, long time nv did that liao.. nv sleep till late afternoon.. always sat 12 plus will wake up de.. hahas..
plan to do something today de.. but because today ot then cant do.. haiz.. see next time still got chance to do or not.. hahas..
hahas.. siji thought i went missing sia.. is i sleep too much la.. then nv reply him.. lol.. IM HERE!! lame.. -__-"
now my attachment is not as relaxing as before. last time still can relax here relax there.. not cant. si bei sad.. alot of things to do. somemore ot.. more sad..
jus now morning i was superb hungry!! so went to buy food to eat.. in the end noon too full cant eat. only eat one bao? hahs.. in the end night superb hungry. dunno wad i was thinking. weird. hahas..
this week is superb pack for me! no time to rest at all!!
woo!! next week will be the week im giving myself to rest. if not i think maybe i going to fall sick again? haiz.. weak sia.. cos nobody take care of me ma.. sad.. lol.. lame la.
today superb sway. firstly, i wake up early and iron clothes but in the end 2 of my white shirt kanna dunno wad stain. super sad. haiz.. hope can wash it away!!
then raining superb heavy during my lunch time then got wet.
kanna ot till 7 pm. actually if i nv ot, wan to go somewhere de.. secret. =X
then went to eat dinner with mummy and papa... order coke the person give me green tea? lol..
ok. finally reach home liao.. hope there's no more sway thing.. hahas..
mr piggy jus wan to make me jealous. lol.. hahas..
Sunday, October 07, 2007
omg!!this is so crazy la.. jus reach home nia.. even worse than last week!! hahahs.. okay.. 2 days i nv sleep for 24 hrs.. hahahs..
went to work at 9 to 3.. then supper with fy. thats was the first 24 hours i didnt sleep. .
went to work at 2 to 1.. 11 hours of working and 3am cab down to EAST COAST PARK with mr piggy! hahas.. woo!! is like a bit crazy la.. only 2 of us in the cab.. okay. when we reach there, we sit down by the beach and serious have an urge to lie down and look at the sky!! sitting down there is like so peaceful and i really enjoy that. will go there again de ba!!have a nice tok with mr piggy! hahas.. then i think i got serious STM. cos last time i think they got buy alcoholic drink at midnight at ecp.. then i still tell him that cant buy until 6.. lol.. but in the end he went to 7 eleven and realise that can buy.. ben ben de me.. hahas.. have a drink but im not drunk. so ppl no need to worry. we sat at there from 3 plus till 7 am.. jus tok and enjoy the sea breeze. of cos we did see the sun rise too!! =D
after tat we went to mac and sit down to think where we wan to go for 2 hours!! haiz. cant make up our mind sia.. and finally decided to go back to cathay and eat ya kun.. hahah.. lame right.. and we really cab down to cathay again!!
when we reach there is not open yet!! sian half way.. so we went up to the office and wait for it to open.. haha.. almost sleep in the office liao.. then the ppl there all think we crazy la.. haha..
we went down to have our early breakfast and went up to the halls and slp.. really weird. got home dunno how to go back slp. but i really did fall asleep in the hall. =X hahas.. paiseh paiseh..
so after the show is 12 plus. cant imagine how tired we are. and we decided to go back and slp.. actually wan to take bus home de.. but piggy is too tired.. so we cab down home again.. dunno how many times we took the cab today.. haha..
thanks piggy sending me home. although ur house is like superb far from me la!!! have a good rest!!!! good night ppl. xueying fainting liao.. haha..
Saturday, October 06, 2007
hey ppl!! im back!! missing for 4 days already! but still decided to come back. cos this is my imagination world!!
thanks for forcing me to let go. dun worry, xueying will become another better person. even better than the one who u first met.
another working of 18 hours!! woo!! hahas.. but today really serious 18 hours.. cos i ot for attachment till 6.55 like tat.. then i rush down to cathay work at 7.30.. dun even have till to rest!
end at 3 then went supper with fy.. cos suddenly have an urge to eat mac.. hahas..
tue- went running after my attachment with fy.. then went to my hse there and eat bah ku tea.. haha.. long time nv eat and me and fy always thinking of eating that.. hmmm.. after that went to play lantern at fy hse there with her and xiangying. another xy.. haha.. but different la..
wed- went to watch daywatch with piggy after my attachment.. lol.. lame show.. hahas.. almost sleep inside sia..
thurs- initially wan to go running de.. but ot till 7.30 then nv go.. so went eat dinner with fy
i seriously believe, if u two person are fated, no matter wad happen, they will be together till the end.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
end of storyokay. missing for 2 days. firstly becos at my attachment there blogger was blocked!! omg. i was shocked okay. sekali is because i always go blogger .. die.. hope is not!! haiz.. anyway. i will blog less and less le ba.. time for me to get back myself.
everything was fine since ytd. been having fun with funs. supper, working and crapping.. everything! but why must i see him at this moment? i often wonder wad i will say to him when we see each other in the near future? i got no answer. and it happen ytd.
as usual, if im free, i will go for the staff meeting.. so when i finish my work, i headed down cathay. went over to ps and get something to eat cos i noe meeting confirm last very long de. when i leave ps walking towards cathay, i saw him with his frens. i was behind him. i think very long and in my heart struggle that shld i called and jus say hi? i did. i called his name. he turn back and walked even faster. wtf. when we walked till cathay level 1. i ask him. dun even wan to say hi? he say he did. did he? not even 5 secs, he say need to go, bye. i dun even wan to say bye. thats it. that is the ending that i waited for so long.
was msging 4 ppl during the meeting. thanks ppl. if not i think i will go crazy sitting down there.
thanks feng yi, francis, mark and siji. thanks alot!
and the staff meeting ends at 10pm. was feeling damn F*** up. cant find ppl to tok. francis was doing closing so went up and look for him for a tok. got better after the tok. we tok until he finish work la.. then i took the last bus home. make me realise quite a number of things. thanks francis.
different ppl make me realise things.
*its time to let it go.
*he jus wan u to live better thats why he is doing this.
*jus forget abt him. he's not worth it.
*give him more time
for the second reason, explaination is done. in a break up of a relationship, one of the person have to be the bad guy. it might be the most cruel method but it is the most effective one.
the person who say tis, think that he jus wan me to live better.
A thinks this is good for B, B thinks that is better another way. but their objective is the same
A sees it as a no choice situation n have to be the bad guy.. B thinks there r better way out. A sees tat it mayb e fastest n best solution rather den hanging it.
after the tok. was asking myself, am i overeacting? i dunno. dun ask me.
xueying will be missing for sometime.