mine is not a abandon blog! hahaha.. =p
zzzz... omg.. wad am i doing at time hour? lol.. jus reach home nia.. went out with fy wc and sy.. actually wan to call more ppl de.. but everyone like not free leh.. in the end only we 4.. hahaha.. hmmm.. counting 2 more hrs, then i have been awake for the past 24 hours.. zzz.. but so strange leh.. not tired at all.. in fact, very awake.. still can blog at this moment. well.. dun have to sleep so early cos tomolo working night shift.. 7pm to 3am? haiz.. very long nv work till 3 le.. always work till 1 then i zhao liao.. hmmm.. do i really look very stone? cos my fren sis jus say so.. say i always look so stone.. haha.. stoneing? all the time.. is good to stone de ma.. actually i jus stare into space and think of things only.. today is so qiao lor.. go everywhere also can see ppl de.. like i board the train, then jus nice got seat there so walk towards there and seat down and the ppl beside mi is shaohong la.. lol.. then went to take lift at cine also saw my sec schmates.. hahah.. then later thought will see pri sch mates liao.. but in the end nv la.. well.. today also consider quite unlucky.. cos when we wan to go home, then we was at cine la.. so decided to walk wc to the bus stop to take NR then take cab home.. in the end we all no money so decided to walk to cathay to withdraw money.. cos we are already quite far from cine.. despite we are so shag and tired, especially sy cos she didnt sleep alot ytd.. finally walk to cathay liao.. then atm whited out.. zzzz.. suai? haiz.. in the end walk till paradiz.. and we took cab home.. haha.. reach home liao but jus not tired!! haiz.. cant sleep.. maybe is becos these few days i only sleep for 3-4 hours.. then not tired ba.. sian.. haven settle my attachment thingy!! zzzz...still must go for the interview first.. haiz..
mi and fengyi
chill at the coffee club =) but i dunno why behind so bright.. haha..
NOTED: never order nyny roasted mushroom cuppucino! hahas.. by darling
my world.
one week have passed. thank alot to all those ppl who willing to lend a listening ear to mi during the past few days. and it really helps! thx u thx u! hmmm.. without you ppl i also dunno wad will happen to mi. really glad that i have u guys around =) things have already happen and i cant do anything abt it. but happen means it happen le. i will not say wad exactly happen these few days. things ended up this way, i did try to save it but its not something i try, will have result de. and im alright.
once, i love this song and this movie so much.
then , i hate this song and this movie so much.
now, its still a nice song and movie to me.
ending = everything add together.