sian arh.. i dunno how to do the lighting product liao le.. do until so sian.. if i noe i dunno design till like tat le.. now must do the mould first.. but dunno need to sand how long.. hope to finish as early as possible so i have time to do other things... =(
yeah.. new year coming le.. but still haven buy any clothes yet... sianz.. hope to buy soon and buy alot... hahahas... today is the open hse for the sch.. then the school is so pack lor.. haiz.. actually i started to do my lighting le.. but then i use blue foam to do the mould.. but daniel say cannot... sian half way.. waste my time on doing the mould.. have to redo.. somemore is use wood leh.. sian again.. very hard to sand lor.. but started abit le.. tomolo have to hand in remote... was doing remote and lighting the whole day at workshop.. tired.. later still have to continue doing the remote.. lighting only left 4 weeks to do lor.. then after remote heard that still have camara lor... dunno can finish or not...
im tired
chance is given to those who treasure it =p
sians!!! long time dun have test liao.. then today got marketing test.. then the test is at 3.10.. then can slp till late late de.. but i still almost over slept... lalalalas... go to the sch for the test then they say change to 4pm.. sian.. everybody reach there by 3 le then the brenda say change to 4.. then sit there and tok tok tok... wait for one hour leh.. almost goin to forgot what i have study le.. sians... sit down for the test.. hahas... quite easy.. everybody also say so.. but yesterday was like so scare keep memorizing... the test only last for 20 mins? quite short... only 20 mcq 5 structured 1 short ans question.. after the test then sit down and discuss comm skills.. then go home.. hahas.. jus now doing the remote do until i wan to faint liao.. haiz.. still got lighting have to worry.. sians!!!!